November Garden Tips

November Garden Tips

It's warming up - time to plant beans, basil and corn and start protecting those yummy berries from the birds. It's also a great time to mulch to help retain moisture over the warmer months.

Growing Food

  • Let's hear it for the bees: plant lots of flowers in or around the veggie garden; around the world there's concern that bees are being decimated by the varroa bee mite or 'disrupted' by the new generation pesticides known as neonicotinoids.
  • Plant beans, basil and corn. Where? Beans need a climbing frame or training against a sunny wall; basil is best in full sun (under tomatoes) and corn performs well when laid out in blocks for pollination.
  • Protecting the berries: all berry crops are attractive to birds; there are some great bird proof 'tents' available to protect your prized crops, or you can apply bird netting as berries grow.
  • Pest treatments: It's annoying when healthy-looking vegetable seedlings collapse; in warmer weather it's not just the beneficial predators that multiply quickly, but also whitefly, young snails, aphids and beetles. Squash the ones you see, leave the ladybirds in place, but if the infestation is heavy, spray with an organic oil.

The Rest of the Garden

Two basic rules ahead of summer heat:

  1. Clean up fallen blooms: fallen petals and foliage lie on the soil around prized plants and this can spread disease, especially fungal spots that develop in wet spring seasons.
  2. Mulching: apply mulch around the base of plants because this has so many benefits: moisture retention, less hosing, weed suppression and it looks fantastic!

And our Pro-Lawn expert says

Prolawn Aquaturf is going to be the most beneficial way you can assist your lawn to adapt from the rainy season that extended through winter and spring. Apply it over lawns and new gardens to aid water distribution as we head into the dry season.