Top 10 Garden Tips for Spring

Top 10 Garden Tips for Spring

Spring Garden Tip #1 - How to choose the right grass seed variety

Lawn sewing season!

Our top tip for lawns comes from Joe Butler at ProLawn:

Lawn Seed

“When choosing the right grass type, it's important to match the seed to your local conditions. The more suited to the climate the easier the grass will be to maintain at a high quality.

There are many climates across New Zealand, so ProLawn offers several excellent options:

1. ProLawn Tall Fescue: Ideal for sunny, warm areas, this seed is drought-tolerant and perfect for high-traffic lawns.
2. ProLawn Classic Rye: Best for cooler regions, it offers quick establishment and a fine, lush appearance.
3. ProLawn Tournament Blend: A great all-rounder, suitable for both sunny and shaded areas.

Select the seed that aligns with your local climate to give your lawn the best chance.”

Spring Garden Tip #2 - Adding topsoil to a raised garden bed

Premium Waikato Topsoil

This tip comes from our very own ‘Digger’ Dan Rissetto at Central Landscape Supplies Swanson:

Premium Waikato Topsoil

“ When filling or rejuvenating the soil in a raised garden bed, you don’t need to fill the bed entirely with garden mix. A more cost-effective option is to put in a base layer of our Premium Waikato top soil. This soil is perfect for building up the bed height with friable, free-draining topsoil. Simply add 100-200 mm of garden mix on top and you’re ready to plant your spring crops!” 


Spring Garden Tip #3 - Keeping your plants happy

Spring Garden Tips

“Once you’ve created that beautiful new garden or landscape project, it’s important to support the new plantings. Val from Val Puxty Landscape Design has some essential tips to keep those plants happy for years to come:

After investing in your garden a regular maintenance plan is imperative. Removing weeds, spent leaves and pruning is just the beginning. Adding a good quality mulch in spring is the best thing to do for your garden health. Soil quality is important, alongside watering, it continues to be paramount as the garden grows, good organic compost, sheep pellets and blood and bone are the staples, as much as mulching.

Add slow release fertiliser, each season feed the plants, a good dollop of liquid fertiliser immediately gets to the roots if quick action is required. Look out for yellowing leaves or drooping, this is a clear indicator of suffering. Remember that plant roots need air spaces in soil, as well as moisture, so a crumbly soil texture is essential. Adding compost and mulch will improve the soil condition. In general, plant growth is triggered by heat, moisture and daylight hours.”


Spring Garden Tip #4 - Soil and pest management

Spring Garden Tips

Anneke from The Friendly Gardener has some great advice on soil and plant health:

“ Spring is a good time to top up soil. Often after heavy rain and wind during winter, substrate can wash away from plant roots, leaving them exposed. Most plant roots like to be settled and protected in the ground, especially trees and shrubs. Take the time to check around the base of your plants, and top up any with exposed roots/bases, and cover with a mulch to protect them from temperature extremes.

As we approach spring, and coming into summer, pest insects will appear. If your plants have been compromised during the winter months, they are more at risk of insect infestation, and have less capability in fighting them off. This often leads to secondary fungal disease, that can dramatically harm your plants. Now is a good time to treat with Neem Oil, and apply a liquid based seaweed, to give your plants a boost in nutrition and strength, to fight off unwanted pests, and combat potential disease.”

Spring Garden Tip #5 -  The benefits of lime


BioLime Fertiliser

Alana is our yard manager out on Waiheke Island, where the clay soils can benefit from a bit of lime:

“As spring arrives, it's the perfect time to give your garden a boost by applying lime to your soil. Lime helps to balance soil pH, creating an optimal environment for nutrient absorption, particularly in acidic soils. By raising the pH, lime ensures that essential nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium are more readily available to plants, promoting stronger root development and healthier growth.

Apply lime early in the spring, well before planting, to allow it time to react with the soil. This is especially important for vegetable gardens and lawns, where a balanced pH can lead to more robust plants and a more bountiful harvest. Regular soil testing can help determine how much lime your garden needs, ensuring your plants thrive throughout the growing season.”

Spring Garden Tip #6 - Add nutrients for maximum growth

Dave's Fertiliser

Dave's Growth Booster Sheep Pellets

Casey from our Silverdale yard has a baa-utiful tip for the home garden:

“ As spring breathes new life into your garden, one of the best ways to prepare your soil is by using sheep pellets. These nutrient-rich pellets not only provide a natural, slow-release source of nitrogen but also help improve soil structure. To maximise their benefits, scatter the pellets over your garden beds a few weeks before planting.

This allows them to break down and integrate into the soil, ensuring that the nutrients are readily available for your plants when they start to grow. Particularly beneficial for leafy greens and vegetables, sheep pellets are a gardener's ally in fostering vigorous, healthy growth during the spring season.”

Spring Garden Tip #7 - Weed control

Weed Control



Vicki from Empak explains how weedmats actually work.

"Weeds, like any plant, need light and soil nutrients to grow. Our 60 GSM Weedsafe Pro Weedmat blocks the light, which stops weed growth, while still allowing moisture to pass through. This permeability maintains the underlying soil's health. It's important to overlap weedmat and use pins to maximise light blockage."


Spring Garden Tip #8 - Improve the soil biology



Organic Garden Booster

Bruce is from New Leaf Horticulture, the company behind our amazing Aquaticus Garden Booster product. Bruce says:

“Applying Aquaticus Organic Garden Booster to newly mulched or composted gardens will add an abundance of good biological life, nourishing and protecting your garden.”


Spring Garden Tip #9 - Prevent disease

Sculpted Trees


Kalib Wood from Wood Lawn & Gardens is one of NZ' premier topiary artists and has some sound advice about keeping the garden clean:

"In spring always remember to remove dead plant material and clippings after cutting hedges and topiary to stop the spread of disease. Make your plants glow like ours do with proper care in preparation for the hot months."


Spring Garden Tip #10 - Watch the weather when sowing a lawn

Premium Lawn Soil

Premium Lawn Soil

Christy from Central Landscapes Albany has great advice when laying down a new lawn.

"When planning to put down a new loan - always check the long range (5 to 10 day) forecast. You want to avoid super dry periods or heavy rainfall while the grass is getting established. The good news is that our premium lawn soil will help your lawn germinate and grow quickly."