Central Landscape Supplies Franchise Awards 2022

Central Landscape Supplies Franchise Awards 2022

We have just held our annual Central Landscape Supplies Franchise Awards for 2022. Some seriously hard work has gone into this past year with all its ups and downs and we were pleased to get together and celebrate. Our franchisees run seven day a week businesses and are passionate about gardening and landscaping and giving great service to our customers. We appreciate their dedication!

Central Landscapes Avondale

Congratulations to Tony and Jarrod from Central Landscape Supplies Avondale who won Franchise of the Year. The Avondale yard has seen significant upgrades to its store area and truck fleet in recent times and was the winner of two key awards, all contributing to this yard winning Franchise of the Year.  Our runner-up Franchise of the Year was our Albany yard and we congratulate owners Christy  and Todd.

Supplier of the year is Jakaar Industries who manufacture our hugely popular premium product Jakmat. Congratulations to Jakaar owner Alan Holt.


A full list of the 2022 Awards is here.


Franchise of the Year 2022

Central Landscape Supplies Avondale


Runner Up Franchise of the Year 2022

Central Landscape Supplies Albany


Best Annual Business Plan

Central Landscape Supplies East Tamaki


Best Annual Local Area Marketing

Central Landscape Supplies Albany


Most Improved Sales Volume

Central Landscape Supplies Avondale


Best Gross Margin

Central Landscape Supplies Mt Wellington


Most Improved Net Profit

Central Landscape Supplies Avondale


Best Customer Experience

Central Landscape Supplies Warkworth


Supplier of the Year

Jakaar Industries Limited

Alan Holt