
Monday - Friday:
7:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 4:00pm

9:00am - 3:00pm

6 Day Delivery

Public Holidays::
Sunday hours apply on all public holidays

Closed Days::
We're closed on Good Friday, ANZAC Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, New Years Day and the day after.

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About this yard

Early 2025, on Puketaha Road a brand-new, bespoke Central Landscape Supplies yard will be opening, a second yard for Hamilton. Located on the northeastern side of Hamilton city and just 4 minutes from the Expressway’s Chartwell turnoff for Rototuna, our Eastside yard is perfectly positioned to beat the traffic to your landscaping needs. Situated on the city boundary, with its roots firmly in rural country, it’s the best of both worlds. Stocking a comprehensive range of quality soil growing media, including Premium Compost, Weed-free Garden M ix and Lawn Soil and screened Waikato Topsoil. Aggregates for your drainage and base course needs and decorative pebbles, stones, and mulches to complete your landscape plans.

Eastside is fully family owned and operated by long term locals who have experienced the explosive growth in Hamilton and especially in the local neighbourhood. We love landscapes, we love quality products and we love being part of the local community, we look forward to helping you achieve your landscaping and gardening dreams. Central Landscape Supplies is your one-stop-shop for bagged and bulk garden and landscaping products, this is where beautiful gardens begin.

Free 2-hour loan trailers, 6-days-a-week delivery service. See you soon!