June Garden Guide & Landscaping Tips

June Garden Guide & Landscaping Tips

Winter has arrived in New Zealand, and June is a critical month for garden maintenance and preparation. This guide will help you keep your garden vibrant and healthy during the colder months.

Black Mulch

General Garden Maintenance

  • Weeding and Mulching: Regularly remove weeds and apply a thick layer of mulch to garden beds to suppress weeds and protect plants from the cold.
  • Pruning: Prune deciduous trees and shrubs while they are dormant. Remove any dead, diseased, or damaged branches.
  • Tool Maintenance: Clean and sharpen gardening tools for efficient use.

Protecting Plants from Frost

  • Frost Shelters: Protect young citrus, tamarillo, and passionfruit plants with frost shelters. Use frost cloth or newspaper as a cheap and easy option on cold nights.
  • Liquid Frost Protection Oil: Spray on susceptible plants to provide a protective coating.
Premium Garden Mix

The Vegetable Patch

For premium results, check out our Premium Garden Mix as highlighted above at our Warkworth yard.

  • Planting:
    • Strawberries: Plant new strawberry plants and runners from existing plants into fresh soil. Add compost and sheep pellets for nutrition.
    • Asparagus: Plant crowns about 50cm apart.
    • Garlic and Shallots: Place garlic cloves 10cm apart and 5cm deep with the root side down and the pointed end up.
  • Winter Vegetables:
    • Rainbow Stemmed Chard and Beetroot: For eye-catching colour and nutritious additions to winter salads.
    • Broad Beans: Stake or build supports as they grow. Pinch out tips for use in stir-fries.
  • Other Vegetables: Plant cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli, spinach, silverbeet, and winter lettuce varieties.
  • Frost Protection: Cover young citrus, tamarillo, and passionfruit vines in frosty areas.
Plant Fruit Trees in June

The Fruit Garden

  • Planting: June is a great time to plant new fruit trees. Ensure they are in sunny, well-drained locations.
  • Pruning: Prune deciduous fruit trees like apples, pears, and peaches.
  • Feeding and Mulching: Apply compost or well-rotted manure around the base of fruit trees and mulch to retain moisture and protect roots.
  • Order New Fruit Trees: Where space is limited consider self-fertile varieties or those grafted with multiple varieties.

The Flower Garden

  • Winter Flowers: Plant winter and spring-flowering bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths. Add winter-flowering annuals like pansies, violas, and primulas.
  • Scented Shrubs: Plant daphne, wintersweet, boronias, and Burkwood viburnum for fragrance.
  • Colourful Shrubs: Azaleas, camellias, early flowering rhododendrons, witch-hazel, winter jasmine, and mahonias provide winter colour.
  • Perennials: Cut back dead foliage from the previous season. Divide and replant hostas heleniums and daylilies.
  • Winter Roses (Hellebores): Plant in raised beds or on banks where the beautiful nodding flowerheads can be appreciated.
ProLawn All Purpose

Lawn Care

  • Mowing: Keep the grass a bit longer to protect roots from frost.
  • Fertilising: Use a quick release fertiliser such as Prolawn All-Purpose if the lawn needs a boost.
  • Need to sow a lawn in winter?Not the ideal time, but we recommend Prolawn Classic Rye lawn seed as the most cold hardy for germination.
  • Aeration: Aerate lawns if compacted and apply Gypsum.
  • Porina Caterpillar Control: If bare patches are appearing in the lawn, monitor and control these pests.

Indoor Plants

  • Light and Watering: Ensure sufficient light and reduce watering as plants grow more slowly in winter. Yellowing foliage is generally a sign of too much water.
  • Humidity: Increase humidity around indoor plants by grouping them together or using a humidifier.

Miscellaneous Garden Tips

  • Composting: After adding kitchen scraps and garden waste to your compost bin, place a layer of soil on top to help break it down and turn it regularly.
  • Did you know?: You can empty the contents of your vacuum cleaner into the compost bin, to add variety to the brew!
  • Pest Control: Watch for winter pests like slugs and snails. Use traps or pellets.
  • Watering Systems: While not in use, check irrigation system risers are not submerged by soil - they may become blocked.
Raised Garden Bed

Gardening & Landscaping Projects for June

By following these gardening tips and tasks, you can ensure that your garden remains healthy and beautiful throughout the winter months. Happy gardening!